Trusted Veterinary Surgical Services

- Bladder stone removal
- Growth removals
- Hematomas
- Laceration repair
Pet Surgery: What to Expect
Our staff will make sure you and your pet are well taken care of both before and after any procedure. Prior to the appointment, we review the entire process with you, addressing your questions and explaining the details of the procedure. This is also when we perform the necessary pre-surgical blood work on your cat or dog.
Depending on the operation, we may recommend pre- or post-op pain medications and will provide explicit directions for how to support your pet at home. While our staff is trained extensively in surgical protocol, you become the primary caretaker once your pet leaves our hospital, so we recommend you contact us immediately with any questions or concerns.

The safety and comfort of your pet is our top priority, and we’re committed to making this experience as soothing as possible for our patients.
Spaying or Neutering Your Pet
At Guthrie Pet Hospital, spaying and neutering are among the most common surgeries we perform, and our team is happy to discuss the pros and cons of your decision. In general, sterilization not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, it can also reduce the occurrence of undesirable behaviors and will protect your pet against future health problems.
Whatever your preference, the staff at Guthrie Pet Hospital will help you make informed choices that fit your lifestyle. Whether you decide to breed your cat or dog or spay or neuter your pet, we’re here to provide reliable, professional guidance.
Veterinary Laser Surgery Benefits
Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Laser includes:
- Reduced Pain—Carbon Dioxide Laser beam can seal nerve endings as it cuts through the tissue. This helps reduce the amount of pain the patient feels during and after surgery.
- Reduced Bleeding—Carbon Dioxide Laser beam can help cauterize & seal small blood vessels as it cuts.
- Reduced Swelling—Since there is virtually no physical contact between the laser and the surgical region, this helps eliminate any tissue tearing and bruising associated with traditional surgery, sealing the lymphatic vessels in the process.
- Reduced Infection—Laser energy can also be an antibacterial agent. It produces high temperatures, and eliminating infectious microorganisms.
- Quicker Recovery—Laser surgery can aid to quicker recovery for your pet.